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Getting to know me

Getting to know me

My journey as a jewellery addict started when I was a preschooler. I remember being very attached to a large pink plastic cross which I wore "religiously", excuse the pun, for several years. Holly Hobby then became my next love followed by an unfulfilled love of those blue bird rings and earrings which some of you may remember. As a teenager I became interested in antique jewellery and this is when my personal collection began. However I didn't pursue jewellery as a career initially and instead went to university in Sydney to study a Bachelor of Applied Science in Occupational Therapy. This led me to an exceptionally carefree period in my life where I live and worked in London and travelled widely throughout Europe, Africa and Asia. It was only after getting this out of my system that I settled back in Sydney and started to look for a career which would fulfil my creative urges. Jewellery of course was the most obvious choice. I went on to complete a Jewellery Apprenticeship and became a qualified Gemmologist whilst working for one of the leading prestigious jewellery stores in Sydney. The birth of my three sons changed our direction and my husband and I moved to Tasmania to raise our children, almost 10 years ago. 

I have always been interested in designing and creating jewellery with symbolism and meaning however over the recent past this has been significantly amplified through my work with Australian opal. I believe opals are very important for Australians. They are a part of our land and they connect us to our birthplace. They also have all the colours of the rainbow and each is so unique. In working with opals I began to gain an understanding of the power of gemstones. You have to understand I am a long term student of yoga and actually met my husband at our yoga school in Bondi many years ago however the idea of chakras literally washed over me......that is until I suddenly understood. Opals helped me to  discover the power of gemstones and how they can support the chakras. Now that is another story for another day but this gives you a bit of insight into where I have been and where I am heading. It is so precious to be able to share my journey with you so far and I look forward to sharing with you in the future. Love to you all. Tonya